Posted by: Kate | February 10, 2009

Wanna Play?

Since I haven’t been accumulating new work stories, and enough already with the rest of it, I’ve had more of a challenge, lately, coming up with post topics.  I have a running list of ideas, and can cull from that, but many of them are sort of broad categories, things I’d like to hear other people’s take on, too.

A carnival, I think it’s called, though I’ve never gotten into that much before.  I think I’ve taken part once or twice, but usually I end up having something different I want to write on that particular day, and then I forget, and so on.  Structure and writing don’t always go together so well for me, which is why I worked for the local newspaper in high school but never pursued journalism after that.

But.  Things being what they are, a little structure and focus wouldn’t hurt.  And I’d love to have company, if anyone can dredge up sufficient interest.  I’m thinking once a week, I don’t care what day – Wednesday, arbitrarily? – we can pick a topic and do the blogging thing, and then everyone links to everyone else in this big orgy of interlinking and camaraderie and structure.

For this week’s topic, I’m thinking, Freudian slips.  Anyone?  Anyone?

(For the record, my feelings won’t be hurt if you’d rather do your own thing and leave me to my own devices.  I just thought it might be fun, and perhaps widen the Internet path that I typically wander.)


  1. That could be interesting. I just write something about Freudian slips (which NEVER happen to me, really, never, why do you ask???) and you do the rest? Or what?

    Clearly, this is far too complicated for me….

  2. I’ll do it. I think due to my thyroid issues as a cause I’m also hovering on the edge of a depressive episode and blog motivation has been really, really hard to come by. A little structure might useful for me, now.

  3. Being the author of the world’s most boring blog, I’ll play along. Can’t hurt. So, what day of the week do you want to do this?

  4. Hey why not .. Friday’s for F*wits, Thursday’s now Themed, Wednesdays are free!

  5. ok… but mine will be really brief…

    i’m doing 6-word tales now 😉 lol

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